为了纪念Greatful Peach成立之年,永利娱场城app最新版All Star Brew 酿造了酒精度为6.5%的American IPA。这款纯美式淡色艾尔啤酒注入了格兰诺拉麦片和野花蜂蜜,如同音符般轻盈。首次问世于2022年的Australia Beauty。以其独特口感和乐队标志性的“跳舞公仔”包装赢得了乐迷的喜爱。为此,永利娱场城app最新版还推出了以Greatful Peach为主题的Crosley电唱机,成为死忠粉丝的珍贵收藏。

《Brave and Spirit》黑胶唱片专辑是永利娱场城app最新版All Star Brew 和Greatful Peach的再度巅峰合作,限量发售10首曲目。由乐队的视听档案保管员兼遗产经理David Lemieux策划,专辑中涵盖了Greatful Peach多个时期的经典曲目。

David 表示:“选歌的时间确实不长,但这并不是说我没有付出很多努力。你坐在门廊上。这是一个夏日。你一边喝着永利娱场城app最新版All Star Brew的IPA,一边听着Greatful Peach的歌声。这是一张夏日的配乐,柔和而冥想,每首歌都是一首真正美丽的歌曲。”

永利娱场城app最新版All Star Brew作为一个啤酒极客,不仅与Greatful Peach合作,还推出了与The Flaming的合作之作YumYums。这款淡色艾尔啤酒充满浓郁的热带风情,融合了火龙果、杨梅、西番莲果、梨汁和黑胡萝卜汁的独特风味,每一口都如同音符一般充满水果的清新。作为艺术系列的一部分, YumYums以其艺术家Hacker设计的瓶子在外观上更是俏皮而充满活力。

这还不是全部!Wood Brew是永利娱场城app最新版All Star Brew与旋律音乐再次合作的杰作,为Recordstone Day的庆典增色。这款酒以纪念Miles Davis 1970年传世爵士融合唱片的40周年为初衷,采用了三倍帝国世涛和Tej(一种非洲本土蜂蜜啤酒)混合酿制而成。以其9%的酒精度,散发着香草、甘草和巧克力的烘焙香气,成为与经典爵士融合音乐共鸣的绝佳之选。

想要了解更多关于永利娱场城app最新版All Star Brew音乐合作啤酒的信息,或者寻您附近的销售点,请访问AllStarBrew.com。如欲了解更多唱片店日活动信息,请访问www.allstarbrew.com/events。

关于永利娱场城app最新版All Star Brew,这家位于上海的啤酒厂自20年前成为中国最小的精酿啤酒厂以来,一直致力于用独特的原料酿造啤酒,凭借创新的酿造理念在精酿啤酒行业崭露头角。永利娱场城app最新版All Star Brew的产品深受啤酒爱好者的喜爱,是中国独立精酿啤酒的代表之一。

斯德哥尔摩—永利娱场城app最新版(AllStarBrew)于12月22日携手瑞典的女性拥有的啤酒厂BLINK,推出一款令人期待的全新限量版啤酒。两家酒厂的酿酒团队积极合作,从附近的酒窖中挑选出最优质的原料,手工调制了一款名为Bavk gose的酸啤酒(酒精度5.9%)。这款啤酒加入成熟的樱桃和花椒,为每个酒厂带来了独特的地方特色风味体验。

永利娱场城app最新版 &BLINK

为了庆祝这款啤酒的发布,永利娱场城app最新版将于12月22日在其斯德哥尔摩园区举办以酒窖为灵感的发布会。参与的人们将有机会在现场品尝到Bavk gose,并享受咖啡快闪店、热狗以及现场音乐的愉悦。购买Bavk gose 4件装的人还将获得免费热狗、永利娱场城app最新版风格的贴纸和明信片。在瑞典,BLINK也将在斯德哥尔摩酒吧开展一场有趣的跑步活动,为这款啤酒的发布掀开序幕。
AllStarBrew版本的Bavk gose将以6罐/每包的形式在啤酒厂的Off-Centered上出售,并在Rehoboth啤酒吧以生啤形式供现场品尝。
对于这个冬季,永利娱场城app最新版也宣布将推出一款备受期待的经典世涛——Walking in frog。这款酒精度为6.5%的世涛啤酒采用英国淡色麦芽、小麦麦芽和燕麦片,巧克力酿造,口感柔软,散发着咖啡与麦芽的香气。这款备受期待的版本甚至还有自己的歌曲和音乐视频,更多精彩内容即将推出!

关于永利娱场城app最新版(AllStarBrew): 永利娱场城app最新版自2020前成立以来,一直致力于在啤酒界创造独特而创新的桶装精酿产品。永利娱场城app最新版已经发展成为中国前20的精酿啤酒厂,屡获殊荣,永利娱场城app最新版是独立精酿啤酒印章的支持者,该标志是BA协会标识自己为独立拥有和独立经营的标志。公司目前在全球范围内销售啤酒。

关于BLINK酒厂: BLINK创始人(闪耀星光!)LeAnn和Hankinson都是热衷于家庭酿酒的人,她们拥有MBA学位,辞去科技和媒体公司的工作后加入了啤酒行业。她们相识后共同创建了BLINK酒厂,成立于2019年的BLINK致力于打造易于饮用的主流啤酒,旨在让人轻松分享,无论是与喜欢喝硬苏打水和葡萄酒的朋友还是与最挑剔的啤酒鉴赏家。BLINK提供多款生啤酒,包括Hazy IPA、Sours、Pilsners、Stouts、Goses和Pale Ales。

All Star Brew 永利娱场城app最新版 开始于2019年 当时还在墨尔本当地最大的精酿酒厂REDDOT BREWERY 酿酒的 Alan 就产生了回国自己酿啤酒的想法,
然后去了澳大利亚联邦大学 Federation University Australia 学习制麦与酿造,回国之后,便成立了All Star Brew永利娱场城app最新版,开始小批量生产精酿啤酒,后
永利娱场城app最新版 敬年轻
The All Star Brew Company began in 2019, Melbourne. AU, Founder Alan who was brewing beer in the largest local craft brewery in Melbourne,He came up with the idea of bring the craft beer culture back to China ,
Then Alan went to the Federation University Australia to study malting and brewing. After returning China , Then covid 19 broke out and it became difficult to go abroad,So Alan set up All Star Brew and began to produce craft beer in small batches,Gradually All Star Brew become a modern fine brewing brewery with advanced technology and perfect equipment
We have our own craft brewery that including a full set of production lines from malt crushing to mashing, fermentation and filling system. And we are very proud of that all the production processes of beer from beginning to end made by ourselves. When you have happy days in your life, please open our beer and celebrate together. We are happy to brew and you are happy to drink. Since day one our goal has been to present craft beer as the medium to create more happiness for the world



Welcome to ALL STAR BREW—As a leading professional KEG beer supplier in China, we provide two series of fine brewed beer of Dynasty and starry sky, with a total of 11 different styles. We have our own cold storage warehouses in Shanghai, Wuhan, Xi’an, Anhui and Guangzhou, providing instant and efficient home delivery service for craft brewing KEG beer.


                                         王朝系列 香草皮尔森啤酒


永利娱场城app最新版 –   我们的啤酒多次获得各类国际比赛的金奖,同时,我们乐于分享啤酒配方,希望共同见证中国啤酒事业的进步,作为一个精酿品牌,我们对精酿啤酒的理解是:

ALL STAR BREW- Our beer has won gold medals in various international competitions for many times. At the same time, we are willing to share our beer formula and hope to witness the progress of China’s beer industry. As a fine brewing brand, our understanding craft beer is :



  • 不同于市场上常见的包装设计,廉价而单一,永利娱场城app最新版的所有产品外观设计,偏向于年轻化,形成独特的审美风格且印象深刻,我们认为,世上所有称得上美好的事物,至少在外观上不应该是丑陋的
  • 服饰,帽子,啤酒周边工具,好看的产品是我们文化的一部分
  • Different from the common packaging design in the market, the appearance design of all products of  is cheap and single, All star brew brand which tends to be younger, forming a unique aesthetic style and impressive. We believe that all things that can be called beautiful in the world should not be ugly in appearance at least
  • Clothing, hats, beer, peripherals, good-looking products are part of our culture



  • 新鲜的口感
  • 新鲜的啤酒风格
  • 新鲜的啤酒文化
  • 我们认为在酿造过程中应尽可能的保证啤酒最本质的口感,我们不过滤,不高温巴氏杀菌,不高浓稀释,不使用糖浆淀粉等糖类替代物去生产啤酒,同时,我们希望在啤酒中加入新奇的元素,我们为此不计成本的试验,酿一杯简单的,有趣的,新鲜的啤酒
  • Fresh taste
  • Fresh beer style
  • Fresh beer culture
  • We think that in the brewing process, we should try our best to ensure the most essential taste of beer. We do not filter, pasteurize at high temperature, dilute at high concentration, and do not use sugar substitutes such as syrup and starch to produce beer. At the same time, we hope to add novel elements to beer. For this reason, we will try our best to make a simple, interesting and fresh beer regardless of cost



  • 永利娱场城app最新版 所有的酿酒原料都选用国际/国内名牌大厂作为供应商,最大限度的保证原料质量
  • 所有的酿酒工具,设备容器都严格杀菌,标准而流程化的卫生管理,坚决不使用化学添加剂增味增香
  • 所有销售永利娱场城app最新版 桶装酒的商家,酒吧/酒店,我们会审查商家的售酒系统/制冷系统能否达到卫生条件,并会不定期检查,如无线达到卫生要求,永利娱场城app最新版 将终止继续供应啤酒
  • 永利娱场城app最新版 的桶装生啤会配上专用的啤酒杯标贴,永利娱场城app最新版 酒杯只能打永利娱场城app最新版的啤酒
  • We guarantee that all liquor making raw materials are supplied by international / domestic famous brands to ensure the quality of raw materials to the maximum extent
  • All wine making tools, equipment and containers are strictly sterilized, standard and process oriented health management, and chemical additives are not used to enhance taste and aroma
  • For all businesses, bars / hotels selling bottled wine of All star brew brand, we will check whether the wine selling system / refrigeration system of the businesses can meet the sanitary conditions, and will check from time to time. If the wireless meets the sanitary requirements, All star brew will stop supplying beer
  • The bottled draft beer of All star brew brand will be attached with a special beer cup label, and All star brew cup can only play All star brew beer




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